Before we started to film we needed to be aware of all the hazards which may occur in the process of filming. By discovering these hazards it would be easier and safer for us to film as we would be aware of the things around us especially when we have the camera on our possession.
Firstly we signed a letter to confirm that we would not travel on our own with the camera; this is so that wed be safe from criminals who may try to steal the camera. The whole group had to sign this contract before we could start to take out equipment from the college. By signing this we agreed that we would not travel with the equipment on our own.
Secondly another safety awareness was to cross the road ONLY when where was a green man signal at the traffic lights. Also for the zebra crossing it would be important to start crossing only when the cars stopped and gave way for us to cross. Whilst crossing a hazard would be to run as there's always a risk of tripping and putting ourselves as well as the camera at risk.
Additionally when filming and acting we agreed that someone is always with the camera, tripod and the bags they were in so nobody could run off with anything as previously a camera bag had been stolen. We all also said we should all help put away the equipment in the bags as sometimes it is difficult to put away the tripod in the bag. If we all help put away the equipment it would also mean we save time and everyone is less likely to get hurt.
In addition to this we all agreed to carry one thing each as it would be hard and unfair to hold all the equipment. We made sure this was enforced by allocating each member of the group an equipment each time we filmed. The stairs was the main reason why this rule needed to be enforced as in two of the locations (Andreia and Alisha's house) there were stairs which may be seen as a hazard.
Scissors was our only prop however we were unsure if we would use it or not. However we though that it would be safe that when using them wed handle them carefully avoiding any possible injuries. We also made sure we wouldn't carry the scissors on our possession as it would be dangerous to have them so therefore we made sure this prop was already in the location where it would be filmed in which would be Alisha's house.
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