Monday, 25 March 2013

Question 5 - How did you address/ attract your audience?

I feel that my film opening appeals to our specific 15-21 British female target audience.
Through our location of a normal teenage girl’s bedroom, and in a park, it is clear that the location is London. The actors are British and so our audience can hopefully identify with this. Through mise en scene and the costume that the children in the flashback scene wear of school uniform I think this addresses the audience as they would also have worn uniform at this age. The characters are female and this is also going to allow the majority of our audience to relate easily with the film as we are aiming for the audience to be predominantly female. I think the storyline is very appealing to the target audience also because friendship issues are very common and everyone will have some experience in one way or another with this issue, therefore the audience will be attract immediately to the plot and will want to watch the film.
After the rough cut feedback, we found that there were mixed reviews on the storyline, due to unclear footage and not enough editing. From one classmate we had good feedback and this gave us some confidence in our target audience because they fitted our specific audience; 17 year old, British female. However some feedback said that they didn’t really understand the plot and this could put them off from wanting to watch the rest of the film, some people also said that they didn’t realise that the characters in the flashback scenes were meant to be the main characters when they were younger, so it didn’t affect them how it should have.
After editing and working on this feedback, we asked many people in our target audience what they thought about the final cut, and the feedback was much more positive. We were told that it was much clearer of what the plot is and the editing had made is obvious as to what scenes were flashback/dreams and what is the set in the present. Feedback from a male audience member, said that he liked the editing in our product, however even though it was a good quality film opening and has a good storyline, it wouldn’t appeal to him as a male to go and watch the film. This confirmed for me that when marketing our film, we should definitely highlight that the audience is to be aimed at young females.
So far we have reached our audience with a cinema screening to a sample of the target audience, in order to gain awareness of them film and to start the process of word of mouth advertising.

Film an interview with a member of your target audience for a new show about
the latest films, asking them what it is about the film that appeals directly to them,
How they heard about their reaction to the film…
       What is it about this film that appeals to you?
       What did you think when you first heard about the film?
       What was your first reaction to the film after you had watched it?
       From the opening do you think you would like to watch the rest of the film?
       As a young British female do you think this opening attracts you specifically as the audience? And how?

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