Thursday, 28 March 2013

Question 7 Script

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When research planning in post production for my prelim film, we did not do very much research into what shots to include, lighting, props or locations. I understood that we should include match cutting and I knew about the 180 degree rule so we did use this a couple of times, I also used match cutting to the other side of the door when the character leaves the room. My group and I did do quite a lot of preparation on the storyboard but in production we didn’t stick to it as much as we should have like we did in ‘karma’, this made us more organised and we knew what we were doing because we followed the storyboard. We organised in the prelim that the ‘psycho’ character would wear white costume, and the ‘officer’ character would have handcuffs to represent their status and profession. Whereas in ‘Karma’ we got the character ‘Ivory’ to wear makeup and more suitable costume such as pyjamas and school uniform. We hadn’t thought about lighting in the prelim, other than to set the filter on the camera but this was not strong enough in most cases when filming.
In production the filming took longer than expected because we had not been very organised in pre-production, we hadn’t organised our time management, when we were filming or how long it would take and the location of filming also. In ‘Karma’ we knew exactly the location we were filming in of the park and my group member Andreia’s bedroom. The mise on scene was very unprofessional and there was camera equipment in the background of some scenes. Also with the camera skills, I realise that my camera skills in the prelim were very shaky and there were some zooms that didn’t work in the film that should have been cut out in post production, my camera skills in ‘Karma’ were much more professional. Also the acting was much worse in the prelim than in ‘Karma’ that we should have cut out in post-production as the actors were smiling in some serious scenes.
In post-production I did not do very much editing as I was only just getting used to working with ‘Final cut pro’. I only included one video filter, of a blur effect on one scene and I also added in a title sequence, however if I had known as much about 'Final cut pro' as I do now I could have made the final prelim much better and more professional looking. In ‘Karma’ I heavily used editing with video filters and transitions in every scene. One of our shots should have been rotated in the prelim but it made the footage warped and too wide. I added sound to the prelim too but it was from Youtube and we created our own soundtrack for ‘Karma’ so it was not copyright. We left in the diegetic sound which was really unclear in the prelim also whereas we muted it in ‘Karma’. We should have used foley sounds. However I think the sound we used from Youtube was very good in setting the tone of the film and it worked really well with our footage to create suspense and tension.

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