Sunday, 3 March 2013

Filming - The actual costume; makeup and props.

Ivory's costume was originally supposed to be casual clothing however through research it is seen that phsycho's are more likely to dress up in white clothing. Ivory's character then decided to dress up in a cream blouse and cream chino's to make it clear the she is a psycho however to show a normal side as this costume is also the new trend these days.

Ivory's shoe wear was a pair of nikey shoes to show she is a youth as the target audience for these branded nokey shoes are mainly for youths (young adults; teenagers and children). this pair of nikey trainers are black and white; this is because Ivory's character is more scary and therefore she should be wearing much eye catching colours and should be plain.

The makeup the Ivory wore was foundation to make her seem paler as she is a dead character. This foundation also helps make her skin seem clear as no actor wants the camera to catch any spots on their face. Black eye shadow was also used to make Ivory look scary as she is the dead character; we thought it would a good idea to make her look dead buy putting black eye shadow around her eyes.

Ivory also wore a coat. This coat was worn to suggest the time of year it was set in; although the weather is not always important it always effects what costume is worn. The weather wasn't too great when filming and therefore we thought Ivory's character should wear a coat.

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