Sunday, 3 March 2013

How I constructed realism in Karma


Vivian Machado (my cousin) played young Mercy in the park scene where she bullies young Ivory. Vivian was used so that the audience are informed of Ivory's past and how and by who she was bullied by. Young Mercy's hair is similar to mine (older Mercy) and therefore to make it obvious that young Ivory is in fact the dreamer when she was young. My group and I decided to leave her hair out so that it is easier to understand.

The bullies were aged 9-12 years old and performed in the park when acting as bullies. They were also wearing their school uniforms to create the sense that the bullying happened during their schooling age.

Young Ivory (Nabila Uddin who's Abida Uddin's younger sister) wore her school uniform to indicate that the bullying was in the past when they were both young.

Older Ivory is played by Abida Uddin. She wears dull, black coloured clothes and dark eye-shadow to portray Mercy as a disturbing, intimidating and psychotic character. Moreover, the audience will find out later that she is dead which is why her face is pale to foreshadow her dead-like skin which is purposely not clear at the opening but later will. In addition, Ivory's hair is purposely really long and big and in her face to come across as a psychologically unstable character. 

Karma who is played by Alisha Kaur is supposed to be a tormenting spirit in figure. I thought that if she was fully black dressed then the audience would also recognize that she is an antagonist in the film. She is a mysterious character at first however the audience later find out that she is a spirit in figure that gave her a peculiar and secretive appearance.

I played older Mercy  in the bedroom scene where I go to bed and then wake up after having a nightmare. I wore pyjamas to show that despite not being a good character froma  young age, I am the normal one in the film. It adds realism because pyjamas are used to sleep in. I painted my nails red because it indicates danger and that the audience will find out more to Mercy throughout the film.
In the text I created, I included a group of children to conduct themselves as bullies. Furthermore, Abida Uddin performed as older Ivory and Alisha Kaur as Karma. I  enacted as older Mercy. Group 7 excluded Esme Worrell from the text because we needed somebody to film us as well  as direct and there wasn't an extra character she could play.

Verisimilitude is created through acting, for instance the children bullying had to make funny faces at the camera, doing actions that are normally made by bullies in the real world. They tried to incorporate actions that most bullies do. The children were instructed to yell words such as "stupid, idiot, bald, loser, fatty...etc" in order to create empathy; making the audience position themselves in young Ivory's place.  


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