Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Before we filmed the preliminary task, we researched and studied different types of camera shots in advance so that when we filmed preliminary task, we had some knowledge about the process and work which goes into films. We only used one specific location to film our prelim task which I found a quite difficult location to film certain shots in. We were quite confident with the film that we produced, even though that we could have improved certain conventions like the lighting; unfortunately the lighting was too dark and it was not a standard quality video. In our final task, we had a lot more time to plan everything; we had a little past experience with the preliminary task so we knew what we were doing. We found that we had a lot more knowledge and skills when we were doing the final task rather than the preliminary task; for example, we knew and used more of a variety of camera shots.
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