Saturday, 2 March 2013

Planning - Costume and Props

Costume and props are very important when filming a thriller' this is because it tells a lot about the character and foreshadows what may happen later on in the thriller. Costumes is provided by the actor who is going wear it as the thriller Is low budget as it is Alevel coursework. The only prop in this thriller will be scissors which is used to cut the photograph of the two girls (ivory and mercy) in the past when they were friends. This prop would be kept int Alisha's house where it would already be as it is a part of household equipment.

Karma(played by Alisha)
- We thought it would be a good idea to wear black as she is supposed to be seen a mystery character as she is only Mercy's conscience.
- We thought black cenotes danger and death; it could be argued that so does red however we thought red is an ambiguous colour since red could also cenote love and romance aswell.
- Another reason why we thought this colour would be good as it is a colour that is easily accessible and would not cost much as our thriller is low-budget.
- Lastly this colour helps give her a scary mysterious look.

Ivory (played by Abida)
- We thought it would be a good idea if this character wore casual clothing however it should be dark; the reason for this choice is because this character is already dead.
- We would show this though the makeup that she would wear as she would have dark eyeshadow around her eyes to make her look scary and dead like. Her foundation would also be pale as dead people are paler than they are.
- Ivory's hair also would help to portray her phsycho like image as it would be messy and in her face.
- Ivory's shoe wear would be something in the branded market; this is shoes such as air forces; vans; high tops; doctor martins and so on. These brands have been chosen to show the characters age/age group as most youths these days are likely to be wearing these brands when going out on a normal day.

Mercy (played by Andreia)
- We thought this character should wear casual clothing as she is the only normal main character in this thriller.
- We though that she should paint her nails red to make it clear she is not as innocent as she is or she wasn't as innocent in the past.
- In the beginning and end of the thriller we thought it would be a good idea for Mercy to be wearing her pyjama's so show that she is normal and to also set the time which she is having this dream ( which is at night time ).

Mercy&Ivory in the past
- These characters were told to wear their school cloths to show that they are school children and are young.
- Effects would make it clear that this is a dream from the past.

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