Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Adding effects

I came in to do more editing on the 4th and 5th of march, on the 4th i came with Andreia and we recorded some of the foley sounds, we did this a few times to get the perfect timing. this was necessary because as we had put a slow motion effect on some of the footage, this changed the pitch of the diegetic sounds also so we had to rerecord these and get the timings just right.
On the 5th i came in to edit these sounds and carry on editing the opening for the final cut.
I added an echo effect to some of the foley sounds to make it more tense.

The words we have recorded for foley sounds so far are 'Loser, we hate you, I can't believe I was your friend in the first place"
"Idiot, Hatred, darkness, pain, karma'

I still need to further record and edit: heavy breathing, footsteps and ripping paper

(Sound channel)

(Testing the length of an audio transition)

(Rendering the sound)

(Changing filters on one piece of footage)

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