Sunday, 3 March 2013

Comments from rough cut

After my Media class had watched my Film opening rough cut, some of my class mates gave feedback of what they thought was good and what needed improvements.

My class mate Rebecca said that she really liked my film opening and understood the plot from the beginning and half the class agreed with this, however a few people including my teacher Marissa said that they were confused at the beginning of whose perspective the film is from and they didn't find it clear of what scenes are set in the present and what are the past. I think to improve on this I need to make it clearer that Mercy sleeping is the present and the dream is set in the past as a flashback. I will do this through editing, and also through focusing on Mercy in bed more by keeping coming back to the shots of her sleeping, to make it clearer that this is a dream and she is in the present here.
After explaining to our class the plot they understood it straight away, so I don't think it is the plot that is confusing, I just need to make it clearer in the film opening.

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