When looking at the scenes, it was hard to choose the best scenes for good quality match cuts, because even though we want our opening to be dream like and not necessarily smooth flowing like a film, but more abstract and like fast flashing shots to show flashbacks, it is still important that the finished look is professional and of the best quality possible.
Once I had chosen the best footage for each scene I then put all the shots in the correct order and played the scene. On the first watch, there was lots of editing that needed to be done so I wrote down all the things I would need to do. Editing is especially important for my groups film opening because we want to create the look of flashbacks in a dream, to make our scenes look quite surreal and so it is clear to the audience what scenes are the present and what are the dream/ flashbacks.
Things to do for editing:
- Cut the footage down to 2 minutes as it is too long
- Add in video transitions between some of the scenes (bright white flashes...)
- Add video filters to change the brightness on the flashback scenes
- Make sure the match cuts fit well
- Add in credits
- Add in foley sounds
- Make a soundtrack
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