Saturday, 2 March 2013

Filming (15/02/2013)

Today the group met up to start filming the thriller opening sequence. We decided to split up the scenes. Today we thought we should film the scene where Mercy is asleep; wakes up; walks to the windoe; and then see's Karma outside the window.

We used a variety of camera angles so when we came to the editing we would have a variety of shots to choose from. In this scene we used mainly mid-shots; close ups and long shots - we thought that is would be a good idea to show Mercy's gestures and facial expressions while and after she has the nightmare/bad dream. We then has close ups on her nails when removing the curtain to look out the window to show the red nail varnish which has been used purposely to cenote danger and death. We used long shots and over the shoulder shots to show Mercy's point of view when looking at Karma out the window to have an insight of what Mercy may be feeling and the audience may be as confused as Mercy as they both do not know who she is. We also thought we should have a long shot looking up at Mercy looking through the window through Karma's point of view to show the setting (Andreia's house) aswell as show the confusion and fear on her face. This scene took us a few hours to film as we filmed from many different angles lodes of times for back-up footage in case there was a problem with any other footage.

After filming this scene we went out to Friern park to shoot the zebra crossing scene. We only spent approximately 45 minutes to an hour on this scene as we could not have much time to film as the equipment had to be back in college by 4pm.

We used a tracking shot to show two characters (Mercy and Ivory) walking past each other looking each other. We also took close ups of their facial expressions to make it clear what the characters emotions were. We had a long shot of Ivory crossing the road and standing on the other side of the zebra crossing staring at Mercy. We thought in this shot we could use intextuality as we could have a car drive past Ivory allowing her to disappear as the car disappears. This idea did not come out as well as we wanted it to because the cars came to slow and most of the cars were small therefore Ivory's head was seen by the camera preventing her from disappearing in a scary/mysterious way.

This was the end of the first day of filming. We have filmed half od our thriller sequence as two scenes have been done and two scenes were left. Esme and myself then took the equipment back to college. We then agreed to meet up the following Monday to finish the rest of the thriller.

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