Thursday, 14 February 2013

Camera shots, editing techniques, sound and mise en scene ideas for Karma

From looking at students previous film openings and other videos I have come up with tonnes of ideas for the Karma opening regarding camera shots, editing techniques, sound and mise en scene.

Principles of continuity

I think it is vital that the audience are aware of the character's situation and therefore the representation must be achieved by the flow and continuity.

180 degree rule:

This is the famous 180 degree rule that I think would be great if I incorporated in the zebra-crossing scene where Mercy walks past Ivory.

Match on action:

The match on action will be used to show young Ivory rocking back and forth on the first shot  and then older Ivory rocks back and forth; creating a visual bridge to disguise the cut from one to the other.

Camera shots


There is a part when the girls are in a circle and the camera goes around to show all their faces and I think that that would be a good camera skill to use in the scene where the  bullies and Mercy bully Ivory at the park.


Seven has fast edits that I think would be suitable for Karma for the flashback scene with sudden flashes.


Creepy atmospheric sound

This will be used as non-diegetic sound in the background of another sound to create suspense.

Scary lullaby songs

I think that these lullabys should be included in the park scene where the bullies are bullying Ivory however it should be in the background.

Scary children voices

These sounds can be added in the park scene where the bullies bully Ivory and it can also act as a voice-over.

Cars driving past

I think that it would be better to do foley sound as a way of exploring different techniques in media and because I believe it would be sufficient just for the zebra-crossing scene.

Mise en scene

black eye make-up

I think that the pale face make-up would suit Karma because she walks past a few times in Mercy's dream however there has to be something to make her stand out to the audience and I think that the pale mkae-up would make her look quite fearful.

I think that either Ivory or Karma should have black eye shadow in order to make them even creepier and psychologically unstable.

The antagnoist from Psycho doesn't have black under his eyes alhouhg they do appear dark and I think that it is most probably due to the black eye liner to make him appear freaky in person.

White clothes

I normally see in films that people in mental institutions wear white clothes therefore I think that in the flashback scene Mercy thinks Ivory is the one with problems because she thinks she is after her for revenge however later on in the film the audience find out that Mercy develops somatic symptoms.

Black clothes

The connotations of the colour black are mostly negative such as death and fear which is why i thought Karma's clothes' should be this colour.

Structure of film opening


I think that the structure of Karma should be narrative so it can introduce the chracaters to the audience straight away.

Over black option

I think that the credits should be over the black background so it can have the old fashion style and so that it is effective.

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