Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Myself and my group member Andreia started filming 'Karma' on the 14th Feb for the bedroom scene, we experimented with different camera shots and had lots of practise runs so that there was lots of footage to choose the best bits from for our final scene selection. I found this process really fun and interesting to see what filming might be like on a more professional level.

The 15th Feb was our first main filming day and we were able to get a lot done, however it took longer than I expected and was much more complicated than i thought it would be as the final film opening is only going to be 2 minutes long. however in order to get the best quality filming for 'Karma' we had lots of retakes of the same scenes to get them exactly how we wanted. I enjoyed working in a group however it was difficult to keep to everyone's schedules and I learnt a lot about the importance of communication.

On our final day of filming on the 18th we had even more people to keep in check, to stay organised and communicate what the tasks of the day were. This was quite stressful but i think everyone worked well together and helped each other out so our outcome in filming was the best it could be. As we were working with children around the ages of 10, to begin with it was tricky to explain how we wanted their acting to be exactly. But as the day went on the children got more comfortable in their roles and were really professional.

For our film opening we have 4 different settings. one is Andreia's bedroom for the sleeping scene, the second is at the park for the flashbacks, the third is at Alisha's house for the scene where 'Mercy' dreams of 'Ivory' planning to get revenge on her, and the fourth is where 'Mercy' imagines she is walking past 'Ivory' when they are older, but really 'Ivory' is just a figment of her imagination at this point as well as 'Karma'.

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