Saturday, 16 February 2013

Film opening ideas from 'Black Swan'

This film opening starts with a dance, I think this suggests that psychological thrillers usually start by introducing part of the genre/ theme of the film in the first few minutes, and also by creating an almost surreal scene of the main character this emphasises the genre because the audience is unsure whether this is reality or her dream. I think my groups can use this idea within our own Film opening.
 Another technique used in this film is foley sounds because they have been used very effectively to create tension and a dramatic mood.
This film opening is a good example of a psychological thriller film because it allows the audience to get a feel of what the genre is instantly as it is very tense and it is made clear that something is going to go wrong but the clever part is that the audience is unsure what is reality and what is in the protagonists mind. this is because we are made to watch the film from the perspective of the main character as an unreliable narrative voice.
My group would like to use this technique to make the audience uncertain of whether the main characters perspective is right in that someone is out to get her, or whether she is the psycho instead and it is all in her mind.

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