Sunday, 24 February 2013

Importance of make-up/costume/lighting and continuity

I understand that the mise en scene is the most difficult element to get right because it is essentially about detail. 


Make-up is essential in the film industry because it provides realism. Make-up helps characters achieve a certain look that conveys specific features about the character. Sometimes make-up is used to convey wounds or even transform characters into abnormal creatures e.g. aliens. A positive thing that it does is the fact that it creates suspense of disbelief films need from the audience.


Costumes are outfits worn by the actors while they are in character. They help convey what the character wears in their day-to-day life. It reflects their character. Costume designers put their characters age into consideration when picking out costumes that are appropriate and suit the character best, as well as what fits into a certain scene. An unbelievable and unconvincing costume will undermine the overall flow and realism of the film.


Lighting tells the audience where the setting takes place. It has a huge impact on the video overall. Lighting manipulates and adds meaning to a production. It is an element that dictates how a scene is to be interpreted.

As a student, I did not not have professional lighting equipment which could undermine my creative intentions.

Because of this I am aware that there are other ways of still making Karma successful through lighting for instance, natural light (sun light, in shadow, in mist). Natural light shows the scene exaclty how it is. Colour filters for example coloured vases can be shun a light in order to get the coloured light from it. Positioning the light source in different ways for effect.


The flow of in continuity cannot be broken in such a way that the audience can assume what will happen between each shot.

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