Sound: The sound in this opening is very scary. It has a heart beat sound at the background which is a non diegetic sound. Music is played throughout the whole of the opening until the end. The music goes from fast to slow which builds tension and gets the audience ready for the rest of the film. Most of the sounds in this is non-diegetic and has a creepy mood to it. There is some dialogue which is: 'YOu did this'; this piece of dialogue engages the audience as it builds questions in the audience's mind as they would be wondering who did what? and what has happened? The music may be described as eerie and this is one of the reasons why tension is built. The sound of footsteps and a creaking door also create suspense and carry's on the mood of the film which is a thriller.
Jump cuts are used to change the shot types; there are jump cuts to show the close up of the girls legs dangling; this shot allows the audience to wonder who it is.
Later on in this match cut it shows the girl of whom the legs were also. This shot introduces this character as her appearance is being notices through the long shots and close ups of her body parts.
There are also credits and catchy lines in this opening sequence which allows the mood of the thriller to carry on; the font seems to be scary and give it a suspense look. The credits also start to fade and flash to carry on the mood.
In this shot there is a fade of the girl sitting down with a fade of the knife in a sink or bath tub with blood on it. This carries on to build suspense because of the props (knife and blood) added. The knife and blood have connotations of death and danger therefore it gets the audience ready for what is going to happen next.
In this shot the colour of the door has changed to black and white to stand out and so that all the attention is on the door. This effect sets the mise en scene as we can see that some parts of the thriller will be set in this specific house.
This is the last shot which the audience see for the opening of this thriller. This is a match cut because we see a character waking up which suggests that everything was a dream.
Mise en scene: The mise en scene is the setting and props used. The setting seems to be in the forest and a house. I know that it is set in a forest because of the trees and the grass and leafs that are shown around the girl in the sequence. The house is also used as the front door is shown in black and white; the camera also follows the character into the house which clearly shows that is is a house. Props were used such as blood, knife and a flower; all these are normal props which would be found in a thriller therefore intertextuality may be used in this opening.
Camera: In this sequence many camera shots have been used to seem appealing to the audience as they don't get bored of the opening already. Close ups are used to focus the audience on one thing such as the knife; this is used to make it clear what prop/weapon may be used in this thriller. A long shot is used to show the girl to make it clear how she looks and make it clear that she is the heroin as she has blood on her stomach area.The long shot is also used to capture the setting which is the forest in this specific shot. Tracking has also been used to follow the character into the house; this tracking allows the audience to feel as if they are apart of this journey as they have the same view as the character who is walking/running into the house.
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