Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Costume and Make-up

When filming the footage for our film opening, we decided to prepare our actors with make-up and specific clothing to make it clear of the ages of the characters, who the characters are and the time/ setting of where they are.

When filming Mercy in the bedroom scene, we chose to have Mercy wearing pyjamas so it is clear that she is in bed, dreaming and therefore it is obvious that the whole opening is a dream of flashbacks.
Mercy also has red nails so this shows an element of danger to her character as she was the bully in the flashbacks.

Ivory is shown in the flashbacks with pale make-up and dark eye shadow under her eyes. We decided to do this because even though she is the victim and is not actually a threat to Mercy in the film, in Mercy's nightmare she believes that Ivory is going to get revenge on her and is therefore seeing her as scary and psychotic.

As the character of Karma is all in Mercy's imagination and not an actual person, I think it is important that through costume and make-up we make this clear to the audience. Karma wore Pale foundation, dark eye liner and also she wore all black clothes (black symbolising danger and death), in order to show that Mercy is seeing Karma as dangerous and threatening.

The children in the flashbacks wore uniform so that it was clear that this is in the character's pasts. the children we used to play Mercy and Ivory's younger selves are my group member Andreia's cousin and Abida's sister, because I think it is important that in our film opening we make it clear that these actresses are playing the same character at different ages. This is why having family members with similar appearances will make this clear to the audience.

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