Saturday, 12 January 2013

Research - Conventions of a thriller in The Orphanage

Conventions of a thriller – The Orphanage

Conventions of a thriller -
Creepy dim lit haunted house.
Women protagonist as victim, psychological issues, no one believes her.
Creepy children and old woman are conventions of a thriller that ‘The Orphanage’ used.
Masks on the children’s faces and disfigurements are quite disturbing.
Dead bodies in the cellar are also unsettling.

Finding clues to where her son was creates suspense.
When the woman came to the house that could see ghosts, by counting down to channel her mind to see the ghosts this created suspense.
Tense Music used when there was a climax in the film there was also a climax in the music.
The Dark corners in the cave where you don’t know if someone’s hiding there creates tension.
Echoed sounds in the cave also make the scenes eerie and more supernatural.

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