Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Holiday Homework - Research 1

The second opening i analysed was 'Strange days' this film was released in 1995. The opening of this film is a narrative opening; this is because the scene is set, the characters are introduced and we see the situation that they are in.

The camera was shot through a characters point of view; we know this because we cant see the character himself however we can hear his voice. We also know that it is through his point of view because we see what he sees and when he runs it feels as if we are running with him. The camera shot seems like it is through his point of view because he has a camera attached to him; towards the begnning of the opening he clearly says: " Im recordin' I'm recordin' ". The camera shot stays the same throughout this opening.
The mise en scene suggests that it was shot in a urban city; this is through the props and the buildings that we see. There are props such as the guns and this has conotations of crime and gun crimes are more likely to be in the city rather than suburbs; we also notice that the characters are stealing from a resturant as they try to take the money and make the victims go into one room; this suggests that it is in the city as there is also a mix of races and ethnicity (we notice an asian man and a white lady). another reason why is may be set in the city is because when two of the charaters run onto the roof there are many building; it is also very noisy and the atmosphere very much contradicts rural areas such as the country side.
The sound of this opening starts off with a very weird sound and then goes on to dialogue. The characters are American as they speek english in an American accent. They use a lot of swear words and this suggests that the film is going to have a lot of violence since there is many police officers involved. The slang vocabulary suggests that they are american since the police says: " drop the god damn weapon " and this is something that an American would say. There is a lot of giegetic gun shots and siren sounds which suggests the violence in this movie.

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