Over the holiday I saw Date Night, a thriller and action rom-com. I chose to see this film because I do not like the other sub-genres and horror thrillers is of one of them. Therefore I wanted to see a film that I would enjoy watching and actually learn from it in order to make my thriller opening a success. As soon as I saw rom-com under its genre my eyes lit up, I was very happy to know that I was going to watch a film that I would normally go and see for myself. I found the film very amusing because of the comedy and I was familiar with all of the actors which somehow made it better to watch.
There were tonnes of conventions that were successfully used for example at the opening sequence the music is upbeat continuously which shows us that the couple has a lot of distractions and disturbances at home. In addition, the fact that the couple was sleeping and then in all of a sudden are disturbed by their children emphasises their stress. Moreover, the camera tracks backwards to show the couple in bed after ben waken up by their children early in the morning foreshadows when they are disturbed by two spys at the restaurant. The spys clothes are plain, simple and black; it is perfect for their role as the 'bad guys'. Black connotes negative words such as: death, evil, mystery...etc
Date Night is completely different from the Stepfather and the Orphanage. The reason for this is because the others are not as light hearted as this one. Before my research on Thrillers I was not aware o the different types of thrillers, I used to think they were all horrible and horrifying however now I know that there are many types of thrillers and one of them is my favourite, romantic comedy.
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